Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2021 • VOLUME 27 • №4
Contribution of A.A. Visnevsky (1906-1975) to development of Russian cardiovascular surgery (to his 115th birthday)
Morgoshia T.Sh.
Surgical Department, Saint Petersburg Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
This article deals with the curriculum vitae of world-known surgeon-innovator, Colonel General and USSR AMS Academician A.A. Vishnevsky, providing little known facts from the life of the scientist, data on A.A. Vishnevsky’s becoming a surgeon, also describing his combat path in the Great Patriotic War. Referring to the life, professional and social activity of Alexander Alexandrovich, one may find not only interesting scientific facts from the history of field and cardiovascular surgery, but analogy with contemporaneity, answers to many clinical problems of the speciality and medicine of the present time. Also described are the main trends of his scientific activity, having touched upon problems of virtually all branches of surgery, many aspects of anaesthesia and cardiovascular surgery. It is underlined that as an apprentice and close associate of his father A.V. Vishnevsky, he participated in creation of one of the Russian surgical schools, becoming its head after his father’s death. It is emphasized that A.A. Vishnevsky in Russia was the first to perform a successful open-heart operation in conditions of artificial circulation (1957). For the works on local anaesthesia, A.A. Vishnevsky was awarded the Rene Leriche Honorary Medal of the European Society of Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery (ESCVS). Alexander Alexandrovich being one of the founders of cardiovascular surgery in Russia, as well as of the scientific school of surgeons was rightfully acknowledged the patriarch of Russian surgery.
KEY WORDS: cardiovascular surgery, A.A. Visnevsky’s biography, dry heart, local anaesthesia, open-heart surgery, artificial circulation.
Р. 191
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