Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2017 • VOLUME 23 • №1
Calcification of atherosclerotic plaques and assessment of their stability
Ignatiev I.M., Chelyshev Yu.A., Zanochkin A.V., Gafurov M.R.,Orlinskiy S.B., Mamin G.V., Hairullin R.N.
P. 20
The phenomenon of ischaemic postconditioning of the heart. Analysis of clinical data
Maslov L.N., Podoksenov A.Yu., Khaliulin I.G.
P. 28
Effect of actovegin and solcoseryl on microcirculation in experimental critical lower limb ischaemia
Orlova A.Yu., Sukovatykh B.S., Artyuskova E.B., Gordov M.Yu.
P. 36
Vascular pathology in the aspect of sudden death in young adults and connective tissue dysplasia: anatomical, physiological, and morphological parallels
Pigolkin Yu.I., Shilova M.A., Globa I.V.
P. 42
Stimulation of angiogenesis by bone marrow cells in experimental ischaemia of lower limb
Sukovatykh B.S., Orlova A.Yu.
P. 50
Diagnostic significance of the color duplex scanning in estimation of the arteries state at different stages of infrainguinal reconstructions
Timina I.E., Pyatkova I.I., Zotikov A.E., Adyrkhaev Z.A.
P. 58
Prediction of ischaemic lesions of the brain in reconstructive operations on internal carotid arteries
Tanashyan M.M., Medvedev R.B., Evdokimenko A.N., Gemdzhian E.G., Skrylev S.I., Lagoda O.V., Krotenkova M.V., Suslin A.S.
P. 66
Peripheral perfusion in CAD patients with various-stage chronic heart failure undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Kamenskaya O.V., Klinkova A.S., Khabarov D.V.
P. 73
Use of a filtering protective device during angioplasty and stenting of the brachiocephalic trunk
Tsygankov V.N., Frantsevich A.M.
P. 81
Significance of the level of implantation of the "E-vita open plus" hybrid stent graft into the descending aorta in the development of spinal ischaemic complications
Kozlov B.N., Panfilov D.S., Saushkin V.V., Kuznetsov M.S., Nasrashvili G.G., Andriyanova A.V., Shipulin V.M.
P. 86
First experience with intravascular ultrasonographic examination in diagnosis of post-traumatic obstruction of deep veins
Shaidakov E.V., Porembskaya O.Ya., Grigoryan A.G., Bulatov V.L., Rosuhovskiy D.A.
P. 96
Von Korff questionnaire in assessment of social disadaptation and therapeutic results in women with pelvic varicose veins
Gavrilov S.G., Lebedev I.S., Son D.A., Turishcheva O.O.
P. 102
Autotransplantation of the internal carotid artery in patients with high localization of an atherosclerotic plaque
Rosseikin E.V., Voevodin A.B., Radzhabov D.A., Bazylev V.V.
P. 110
Surgical treatment of patients with haemodynamically significant stenosis of the internal carotid artery and contralateral occlusion
Gavrilenko A.V., Kuklin A.V., Novikov A.V.
P. 115
Efficacy and safety of temporary bypass grafting in carotid endarterectomy
Kuzhuget R.A., Karpenko A.A., Kamenskaya O.V., Ignatenko P.V., Starodubtsev V.B.
P. 123
Risk of development of neurological complications in prosthetic repair of the aortic ascending portion and arch
Klinkova A.S., Kamenskaya O.V., Chernyavsky A.M., Lomivorotov V.V.
P. 130-135
Assessment of severity of lesions of arterial basins in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis
Sobirov Zh.G., Bakhritdinov F.Sh.
P. 141
30th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Vascular Surgery
(Copenhagen, Denmark, september 28-30, 2016)
Kalmykov E.L., Skrypnik D.A., Vinogradov R.A., Gaibov A.D.
P. 147
Haemangioma of the left atrium
Revishvili A.Sh., Popov V.A., Korostelev A.N., Ilyina M.V., Golovyuk A.L., Kalinin D.V.
P. 155
Stagewise hybrid method of treating a patient with connective tissue dysplasia, aortic aneurysm, and distal dissection
Charchyan E.R., Skvortsov A.A., Chakal D.A., Khachatryan Z.R.
P. 163
Aneurysm of the gastroduodenal artery in a female patient with the postcholecystectomy syndrome (a clinical case report)
Shklyev A.E., Bessonov A.G., Gorbunov Yu.V., Muravtseva O.V., Klestov K.B., Zykov S.Yu.
P. 169
Treatment of resistant arterial hypertension in the remote period after carotid endarterectomy
Vachev A.N., Frolova E.V., Nefedova D.V.
P. 174
First experience with total laparoscopic reconstructive operations in occlusive lesion of the aortoiliac arterial segment
Mozgovoi P.V., Spiridonov E.G., Mandrikov V.V., Lukovskova A.A., Moiseev D.V., Pirozhenko P.A., Ufimtsev V.S., Korotkova A.I., Isaev A.V., Zharkin F.N.
P. 180
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