Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2014 • VOLUME 20 • №1
Comparative assessment of antiaggregant efficacy of acetylsalicylic acid and clopidogrel in peripheral atherosclerosis
Kuznetsov M.R., Sergeeva N.A., Koshkin V.M., Boldin B.V., Rodionov S.V., Virganskii A.O., Kosykh I.V., Lisenkov O.P., Kuznetsova V.F.
P. 14
Has the era of warfarin terminated?
Pavlova T.V., Duplyakov D.V., Ruzina T.N.
P. 20
Immunological aspects of formation of restenoses after endothelial lesions
Kozyreva V.S., Subbotovskaya A.N., Shilova A.N., Karpenko A.A.
P. 26
System of microcirculation, markers of vascular wall damage and systematicity of the process in rheumatic diseases
Shilkina N.P., Butusova S.V., Dryazhenkova I.V.
P. 34
Cardiosynchronized sequential antegrade pneumocompression in treatment of patients with multifocal atherosclerosis
Zudin A.M., Uchkin I.G., Orlova M.A., Bagdasaryan A.G.
P. 43
Ultrasonic doppler flowmetry in intraoperative diagnosis of coronary bypass grafts incompetence
Basylev V.V, Rosseikin E.V., Mikulyak A.I., Karpunkin O.A
P. 50
The role of endovascular therapy in the treatment of critical limb ischemia
Matthew T. Menard
P. 57-59
Early experience with the DJUMBODIS system: What did we observed, what can we expect? Part 2
Thierry Caus, Audrey Houbert-Janssens, Jean Yves Gaubert, Alessandro Piccardo, Abir Petit, Henri Poulain
P. 67-73
Use of balloon-expandable stent graft for treatment of a false pseudoaneurysm of the proximal anastomosis of the iliac-femoral bypass graft
Tsygankov V.N., Frantsevich A.M., Petrushin K.V., Zotikov A.E.
P. 79
Endovascular closure of iatrogenic arteriovenous anastomosis of the iliac artery and vein
Sinkov M.A., Murashkovsky A.L., Pgorelov E.A., Golovin A.A., Kalinichenko N.A.2, Khass B.L., Kheraskov V.Yu., Evtushenko S.A.1, Popov V.A. , Barbarash L.S.
P. 84
Analysis of efficacy of radiofrequency obliteration with due regard for the target vein’s diameter
Shaidakov E V., Grigoryan A.G., Ilyukhin E.A., Bulatov V.L.1, Galchenko M.I.
P. 94
Use of laser technologies in treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in patients with a wide ostial segment of the main trunks of subcutaneous veins
Lukyanenko M.Yu., Starodubtsev V.B., Karpenko A.A., Sergeevichev D.S.
P. 100
Comparative analysis of quality of life of patients in the early and remote periods of iliofemoral phlebothrombosis
Fokin A.A., Soshchenko D.G.
P. 107
Stages of development of surgical treatment for insufficiency of venous valves of lower limbs
Klyshnikov K.Yu.
P. 115
Peculiarities of treatment policy for lower-limb phlebothromboses
Kletskin A.E., Kudykin M.N., Mukhin A.S., Durandin P.Yu.
P. 120
Immediate results of surgical reconstruction of the aortic arch in patientswith proximal aortic dissection
Lyashenko M.M., Chernyavsky A.M., Alsov S.A., Sirota D.A., Khvan D.S.
P. 131
Comparative assessment of immediate outcomes of surgical treatment of patients with coronary artery disease and lesion of the brachiocephalic arteries
Drozhzhin E.V., Ibragimov O.R., Kovalchuk D.N., Efanov Yu.M., Zorkin A.A., Ibragimova E.A., Urvantseva I.A.
P. 140
Ways to improve patency of the femoral-popliteal-crural bypass grafts
Sazhinov A.P., Lukinskii A.V., Chupin A.V.
P. 145
Postoperative wound complications in cardiosurgery
Kokhan E.P., Aleksandrova A.S., Shandurenko I.N., Kokhan E.V.
P. 153
Review of materials on vascular surgery presented at the congress of the international society of surgery (Helsinki, Finland, august 25-29, 2013)
Kalmykov E.L.
P. 158
Retrograde type A aortic dissection after endovascular repair of the thoracic artery
Gaponov D.P., Kavteladze Z.A., Gorbunov M.G., Chernov I.I., Tungusov D.S., Larionov A.A., Korzh D.A., Tvorogova A.R., Tarasov D.G.
P. 165
Treatment of reperfusion renal lesion after surgical management of chronic post-embolic pulmonary hypertension by means of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ecmo)
Chernyavskii A.M., Nesmachnyi A.S., Alyapkina E.M., Deryagin M.N., Kornilov I.A., Lomivorotov V.V., Chernyavskii M.A., Matveeva N.V.
P. 170
Conservative treatment of patients with intermittent claudication
Pokrovsky A.V., Khazarov A.F., Sapelkin S.V.
P. 180
Thrombolytic therapy in acute occlusions of peripheral arteries
Gadeev A.K., Lukanikhin V.A., Bredikhin R.A., Mikhailov M.K., Ignatyev I.M., Djordjikia R.K.
P. 194
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