Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2014 • VOLUME 20 • №1
Stages of development of surgical treatment for insufficiency of venous valves of lower limbs
Klyshnikov K.Yu.
Department of Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, Laboratory of New Biomaterials, State Federal Budgetary Facility «Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases» under the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Kemerovo, Russia
Insufficiency of the valvular apparatus of the lower-limb veins is one of the main causes of the development of chronic venous insufficiency. This disease is commonly prevalent in developed countries including Russia and is an urgent and socially significant problem. Insufficiency of the venous valves may be corrected by a wide variety of approaches and methods however they all are not universal or have low efficacy and in some cases cannot be applied at all. This article is dedicated to the review of the existing methods of surgical correction of valvular insufficiency of lower-limb veins, as well as a review of the studies of the most promising trend of this problem, i.e. prosthetic repair of venous valves.
KEY WORDS: chronic venous insufficiency, venous valve prosthesis, surgical treatment.
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