Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2019 • VOLUME 25 • №2
Immediate results of bypass grafting of the territory of the right coronary artery using the «Penza Coronary Technology»
Rosseikin E.V., Bazylev V.V., Kobzev E.E., Voevodin A.B., Batrakov P.A., Nachkebia B.R., Senzhapov I.Ya.
Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery under the RF Ministry of Public Health, Penza, Russia
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is known to be an effective method of treatment for multivessel obstructive coronary disease with low rates of reintervention and excellent long-term survival and freedom from angina. Graft patency lies at the heart of its procedural success and durability, which in its turn largely depends on the appropriate choice of the conduit, as well as the target coronary artery (CA). It should be mentioned that patency of one and the same conduit used for bypass grafting of the territory of either the left or right coronary artery (LCA and RCA, respectively) may differ, which is probably determined by differences in physiology, size, territory of runoff, and local flow characteristics between different coronary targets. Previous reports have supported the use of bilateral internal thoracic arteries to revascularize the left coronary circulation. If this becomes standardized practice, the optimal conduit for the right coronary system remains to be established. Proposed in the present article is a variant of bypass grafting of the RCA territory using a composite I-graft formed from the proximal portion of the right internal thoracic artery (ITA) in situ and the great saphenous vein (GSV) harvested by the «no-touch» technique. This technique is part of a CABG schematic algorithm worked out in our Clinic and called the «Penza Coronary Technology».
KEY WORDS: coronary artery bypass grafting, intraoperative ultrasound Doppler flowmetry.
P. 142-147
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