Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2015 • VOLUME 21 • №1
Experience with clinical administration of new drug Thrombovasim® in vascular surgery
Madonov P.G., Kinsht D.N., Ershov K.I., Shilova M.A., Solovyev O.N.
Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine Novosibirsk State Medical University of the RF Public Health Ministry, Novosibirsk, Russia
Recent years have witnessed an increased worldwide interest in medical use of unique naturally occurring enzymes – subtilisins possessing pronounced fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. The article deals with experience in clinical administration in vascular surgery of new therapeutic agent Thrombovasim® containing pegylated subtilisin as an active substance. Thrombovasim® has a favourable profile of safety, good tolerance and causes no severe haemorrhagic complications. The pharmacological action of Thrombovasim® consists in combination of the targeted effect on the fibrin carcass of the thrombus without participation of the own system of haemostasis and anti-inflammatory effect. In the Russian Federation Thrombovasim® has been used for 6 years predominantly in vascular pathology of lower limbs accompanied by the development of chronic venous insufficiency.
KEY WORDS: chronic venous insufficiency, epithelial dysfunction, thrombolysis, Thrombovasim.
P. 104
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