Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2013 • VOLUME 19 • №3
Role of proinflammatory cytokines in the development and progression of micro- and macroangiopathies in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Nelaeva A.A., Khasanova Yu.V., Khobotova E.S.
P. 13
Comparative pharmacoeconomic analysis of prostanoids for peripheral arterial occlusive
Avxentyeva M.V., Chupin A.V.
P. 19
Endothelium-dependent factors of pathogenesis of a relapse of varicose disease: a diagnostic concept and treatment policy
Shevchenko Yu.L., Stoiko Yu.M., Gudymovich V.G., Nikitina A.M.
P. 24
State of kinin regulation and endothelial function in patients with ischaemic stroke
Bekbosynov A.Zh.
P. 29
Biochemical and morphological assessment of the functional state of the endothelium in reconstructive operations on the abdominal aorta in animal experiments
Kalinin R.E., Suchkov I.A., Mnikhovich M.V., Pshennikov A.S., Gerasimov A.A.
P. 34
Possibilities of instrumental methods of diagnosis of unstable atherosclerotic plaques of carotid arteries
Toklueva L.R., Balakhonova T.V., Strazden E.Yu., Sharia M.A., Lukyanov M.M., Radyukhina N.V., Shishkina V.S., Tararak E.M., Boitsov S.A.
P. 44
State of the lower-limb lymphatic bed after open and endoscopic exposure of the great saphenous vein during coronary artery bypass grafting
Lavrenyuk O.V., Chernyavsky A.M., Volkov A.M., Terekhov I.N., Nimaev V.V.
P. 51
Optimization of policy aimed at forming a permanent access based on ultrasonographic duplex scanning for programmed dialysis
Fokin A.A., Baryshnikov A.A., Vladimirsky V.V., Gasnikov A.V.
P. 58
Results of assessing the distance from the valve of the introducer inserted into either the right or left radial artery to the aortic bifurcation by means of an angiographic catheter
Mizin A.G., Pavlov P.I., Kiprov R.Yu.
P. 68
Peculiarities of treatment for pulmonary embolism (PE) in haematogenic thrombophilia
Shilova A.N., Karpenko A.A., Karmadonova N.A., Starosotskaya M.V., Klevanets Yu.E.
P. 74
Chronic venous oedema (C3 according to CEAP): new international guidelines and consensuses
Bogachev V.Yu., Golovanova O.V., Kuznetsov A.N.
P. 82
Symptomatology and diagnosis of inferior vena cava dysplasias
Baeshko A.A., Bogodyazh D.S., Ulezko E.A., Goredskaya I.V., Klyui E.A
P. 92
Efficacy of compression knee-high socks ULCER X in treatment of venous-genesis trophic ulcers
Bogdanets L.I., Bogachev V.Yu., Lobanov V.N., Smirnova E.S.
P. 100
Effect of the form of pathological tortuosity of the internal carotid artery on cerebral haemodynamics
Kaplan M.L., Bontsevich D.N.
P. 106
Comparative study of the results of using stagewise open interventions and single-step hybrid operations in patients with coronary artery disease accompanied by lesions of carotid arteries
Bazylev V.V., Rosseikin E.V., Shmatkova M.G., Voevodin A.B.
P. 115
Correction of consumption coagulopathy in patients during open operations on the abdominal aorta
Vachev A.N., Trukhanova I.G., Gureev A.D.
P. 122
Upper thoracic sympathectomy in treatment of upper limb ischaemia in distal lesions of the arterial bed
Alukhanyan O.A., Martirosyan Kh.G., Aristov D.S., Kurgansky O.V.
P. 128
Metabolic and genetic predictors of restenosis and thrombosis of arterial bioprostheses in the femoropopliteal position
Burkov N.N., Burkova T.V., Veremeev A.V., Kudryavtseva Yu.A., Zhuravleva I.Yu.
P. 136
Objectivization of the choice of the amputation level in patients with lower limb critical ischaemia
Tsvetkov V.O., Gasinov G.D., Filippov A.V.
P. 143
Review of the materials presented at the annual congress «Controversies and Updates in Vascular Surgery»
(January 17-19, 2013, Paris, France)
Ignatiev I.M.
P. 149
Endovascular treatment of posttraumatic arteriovenous fistulas of the subclavian artery
Tsygankov V.N., Frantsevich A.M., Varava A.B.
P. 159
Physical trainings in peripheral atherosclerosis: problems and ways of solution
Sumin A.N., Barbarash O.L.
P. 170
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