Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2011 • VOLUME 17 • №4

Immediate and remote outcomes of hybrid and stage-wise treatment for concomitant pathology (heart defects and coronary artery disease in patients over 70 years old)

Aniskevich G.V., Semenovskiy M.L., Chestukhin V.V., Vavilov P.A.

The authors have analysed the outcomes of hybrid treatment for concomitant pathology (coronary artery disease and valvular defects) in patients over 70 years old. This method envisages performing balloon angioplasty (BAP) of coronary arteries in a combination with prosthetic repair of cardiac valves. The study comprised a total of fifty patients more than 70 years old (over the period from 2005 to 2010) who were subjected to two therapeutic modalities, i. e., a two-stage approach (n=38) and a «one-stop» approach (n=12). Two patients died, with hospital lethality thus amounting to 4%. The 1-, 3- and 5-year remote survival rates amounted to 97.8%, 90.8% and 86.3%, respectively. Based on the obtained findings a conclusion was made that the hybrid method of treatment makes it possible to decrease the risk of operation in severely ill elderly and aged patients presenting with concomitant coronary and valvular pathology.

KEY WORDS: hybrid treatment, prosthetic repair of cardiac valves, elderly and aged patients.

P. 34-39

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