Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2011 • VOLUME 17 • №2
Konstantin Mikhailovich Lisitsyn (to the 90-anniversary from birthday)
P. 6
Evgeny Pavlovich Kokhan (to the 80-anniversary from birthday)
P. 7
Valery Mikhailovich Koshkin (to the 70-anniversary from birthday)
Outcomes of using autologous peripheral-blood stem cells in patients with chronic lower arterial insufficiency
Maksimov A.V., Kiyasov A.P., Plotnikov M.V.l,, Mayanskaya S.D., Shamsutdinova I.I., Gazizov I.M., Mavlikeev M.O.
P. 15
Administration of dalteparin in reconstructive vascular surgery
Pokrovsky A.V., Gontarenko V.N., Titova M.I.
P. 17
Role of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid in comprehensive postoperative treatment of patients with lower-limb chronic arterial insufficiency
Kuznetsov M.R., Rodionov S.V., Koshkin V.M., Virganskiy A.O., Golosnitskiy P.Yu., Teplyakov S.A., Kosykh I.V., Ostapchuk N.A., Lisenkov O.P., Chernikov V.P.
P. 29-30
The nearest and remote results in treatment aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and the main arteries
Chervyakov U.V., Staroverov I.N., Smurov S.U., Lavlinski S.N., Lonchakova O.M.
P. 35
Therapeutic cellular angiogenesis in treatment of peripheral artery diseases
Khorev N.G., Elykomov V.A., Zaloznyi D.A.
P. 44
The report of board of the Russian society angiologs and vascular surgeons and a magazine editorial board «Angiology and vascular surgery» for 2010
P. 47-50
Analysing causes of low efficacy of ultrasonographic diagnosis of stenosing major arteries of the head in hypertensive patients
Fokin A.A., Manoylov A.E.
P. 54
Endovascular methods of treatment for acute thromboses of lower limb arteries
Shipovsky V.N., Dzhurakulov Sh.R., Marov K.B., Poliposyan E.A., Nechaev A.I.
P. 66
Carotid endarterectomy or carotid stenting: optimal therapeutic decision-making for patients with carotid artery stenoses
Gavrilenko A.V., Sandrikov V.A.,Ivanov V.A., Piven A.V., Kouklin A.V., Dutikova E.F., Antonov G.I., Miklashevich E.R., Trunin I.V., Abugov S.A.
P. 74
Surgical management of acute pulmonary artery thromboembolism
Medvedev A.P., Pichugin V.V., Ivanov L.N., Nemirova S.V., Loguinov О. E., Prytkov V.V., Deryabin R.A.
P. 78-86
Methods of operative interventions in postthrombotic disease of the crus
Sultanov D.D., Azizov A.A., Kamolov A.N.
P. 93
Phlebothrombosis and congenital thrombophilia
Shevela A.I., Egorov V.A., Sevostyanova K.S., Novikova Ya.V., Filippenko M.L.
P. 99
Oxygen provision of the brain during carotid endarterectomy in the settings of general and local anaesthesia
Karpenko A.A., Levicheva E.N, Starodubtsev V.В., Loguinova I.Yu., Kamenskaya О.V., Kozhuget R.A., Chernyavskii A.M.
P. 106
Damage to craniocerebral nerves in reconstructive surgery of carotid arteries
Karimov Sh.I., Sunnatov R.D., Irnazarov A.A., Alidzhanov Kh.K. Akhmatov A.M., Yulbarisov A.A., Ganiev D.A., Asrarov U.A.
P. 110
Operations on carotid arteries in an acute stage of ischaemic stroke
Ignatiev I.M.
P. 118
Peculiarities of glomus-sparing eversion carotid endarterectomy
Antsupov K.A., Lavrentiev A.V., Vinogradov O.A., Dadashov S.A., Marynich A.A.
P. 119-123
Formation of vertebral-subclavian steal syndromein abnormal origin of the left vertebral artery from the aortic ark
Kirsanov R.I., Koulikov V.P., Arzamastsev D.D., Subbotin Yu.G.
P. 130
Clinical peculiarities of posttraumatic arteriovenous fistulas
Zotov S.P., Shcherbakov A.V., Kugeev A.F., Zaitsev S.S., Shakirov R.G., Semashko Т.V., Zhabreev A.V., Panov I.O.
P. 127
Experience in surgical management of posttraumatic arteriovenous aneurysms of the aortorenal zone
Karpenko A.A., Starodubtsev V.В., Edemskii A.G. Chernyavskii A.M.
P. 144
Worldwide experience and recent trends in gene therapy of Ischaemic diseases
Deev R.V., Grigoryan A.S., Potapov I.V., Kiselev S.L., Isaev A.A.
P. 154
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