Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2011 • VOLUME 17 • №4
Use of autovenous tissue for treatment of patients with venous-aetiology lower-limb trophic ulcers
Ramazanov M.R., Makhachev S.M., Alieva K.A., Alieva P.M.
Centre for Restorative Surgery Chair of General Surgery of the Dagestan State Medical Academy, Makhachkala, Russia
The authors analyse herein the results of using removed dilated autologous veins simultaneously with operations aimed at correcting venous blood circulation in a total of fifty patients presenting with lower-limb trophic ulcers caused by varicose and postthrombotic diseases. The comparison group was composed of forty-four patients subjected to autodermoplasty. In the postoperative period all the patients used mechanical stimulation of angiogenesis for bettering and speeding up the process of healing and regeneration of trophic ulcers.
The use of autovenous plastic material appeared to significantly increase the efficacy of treatment of patients. The time of epithelisation averagely amounted to 10 days for varicose and 14 days for postthrombotic ulcers. In the control group healing of varicose trophic ulcers occurred in 91% and in postthrombotic ulcers in 85% of patients. The terms of healing averaged 22 and 29 days, respectively.
Autovenous plasty of trophic ulcers in comprehensive treatment with correcting operations is a method turning out to be superior in its efficacy and healing terms to the currently existing wound covers.
KEY WORDS: venous-aetiology trophic ulcers, autovenous plasty, mechanical stimulation of angiogenesis, lower limbs, healing.
P. 89
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