Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2011 • VOLUME 17 • №3
Safety and effectiveness of elastic compression therapy in treatment of the chronic venous disease of the legs
Zhukov B.N., Melnikov M.A.
State Educational Institution of the Highest Professional Education «State Medical University of Samara of Minzdravsocrazvitia of Russia», Department of Hospital Surgery, Scientific Research Institute «Nonionizing Radiation in Medicine», Samara, Russia
Objective. Assessment of the safety and clinical effectiveness of the compression hosiery (pantyhose) VENOTEKS THERAPY Clinic 2 артикул 203 in therapy of the chronic venous disease of the legs.
Materials and methods. 32 female patients suffering from chronic venous disease of the legs (C2-C4 stage according to CEAP) were included in the approbation of the compression hosiery. The age of the patients was from 18 to 65 years old (average age was 45.4±1.2). All patients had the following medical examination tests: measurement of the length and diameter of the calf and hips, duplex ultrasound scan test to measure the speed of venous blood flow in the common femoral vein, volume measurement, measurement of the diameter of the legs in three dimensions, laboratory tests results (fibrinogen, SFMC, APTT, aggregation of thrombocytes); assessment of objective and subjective clinical symptoms, assessment of adherence to the use of product.
Results. This tested compression hosiery is effective method of correction and prophylaxis of the chronic venous disease of the legs. It is confirmed by positive dynamics of the objective and subjective clinical symptoms during treatment. Very important part of the effectiveness of use was the increase of the speed of venous blood flow in the common femoral vein. Results of the measurements of the diameter of the calf in the middle third area, along with volume measurement, measurement of the diameter of the legs in three dimensions during wearing of the compression hosiery confirms indications for that product.
Conclusion. Positive dynamic of clinical symptoms and results of instrumental medical examination tests show safety and efficiency of the compression hosiery (pantyhose) VENOTEKS THERAPY Clinic 2 style 203 in treatment of the patients with the chronic venous disease of the legs. Good adherence to treatment was also noticed.
KEY WORDS: compression hosiery, chronic venous disease, effectiveness, adherence to treatment, volume measurement, measurement of the diameter of the legs in three dimensions.
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