Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2019 • VOLUME 25 • №3

Comparative efficacy of various thrombolytic agents in treatment of pulmonary embolism

Khorev N.G.1,2, Beller A.V.2, Borovikov E.V.3, Konkova V.O.1,3, Shoikhet Ya.N.1 1

1) Altai State Medical University of the RF Ministry of Public Health,
2) Departmental Clinical Hospital at the Barnaul Station of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways",
3) Municipal Hospital №5, Barnaul, Russia

The authors carried out a retrospective analysis of clinical efficacy of streptokinase and alteplase (actilyse®) in patients presenting with high- and intermediate-to-high risk pulmonary artery thromboembolism (PATE) who were discharged from hospital after appropriate treatment performed. Of the total number of the treated patients, we formed 2 groups comprising 20 patients each, receiving alteplase (group 1) and streptokinase (group 2). The patients were comparable by the main clinical characteristics, predisposing factors, severity of pulmonary artery thromboembolism (PATE) and duration of treatment. Efficacy of thrombolytic therapy assessed clinically and instrumentally did not differ. However, by the stratified risk and frequency of PATE relapses, the condition of patients receiving alteplase turned out to be more severe. Based on the obtained results, a conclusion was made that actilyse is a drug of choice for treatment of patients with PATE.

KEY WORDS: pulmonary artery thromboembolism, thrombolysis, actilyse, streptokinase.

P. 28

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