Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2019 • VOLUME 25 • №2
Choice of reconstructive operation in lesions of femoropopliteotibial segment and dubious outflow pathways
Sukovatykh B.S., Sukovatykh M.B., Grigoriyan A.Yu., Rodionov A.O.
Department of General Surgery, Kursk State Medical University of the RF Ministry of Public Health, Kursk, Russia
We analysed the results of surgical treatment of 40 patients with lower limb critical ischaemia induced by atherosclerotic lesion of arteries of the femoropopliteotibial segment with dubious outflow pathways. The patients were divided into two groups of 20 each. Group One patients underwent autovenous femoropopliteal or tibial bypass grafting below the fissure of the knee joint and Group Two patients were subjected to profundoplasty with closure of the arteriotomic opening with an autovenous patch. The outflow pathway index in Group One amounted to 7.5±0.09 and in Group Two to 7.45±0.08.
Our findings suggest that the use of profundoplasty as reconstructive operation in patients with dubious outflow pathways is pathogenetically substantiated, because it makes it possible to decrease the rate of early postoperative complications by 20% and that of late bypass thromboses by 25%, as well as to increase the level of the physical component of health by 12.1% and that of mental health by 3.2%. A conclusion drawn is that performing profundoplasty in this cohort of patients is appropriate and effective.
KEY WORDS: lower limb critical ischaemia, dubious outflow pathways, femoropopliteal bypass grafting below the knee-joint fissure, tibial bypass grafting, profundoplasty.
P. 116
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