Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2019 • VOLUME 25 • №2
Decreasing traumatic nature of operations during treatment of lower limb varicose veins
Terekhov A.M.1, Lukyanova V.O.2, Pichkhidze S.Ya.2
1) Medical Centre «OMEGA CLINIC»,
2) Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin, Saratov, Russia
Over the period from 2015 to 2016, a total of 409 patients presenting with CEAP C4-C6 class chronic venous diseases and lower limb varicose veins were examined and operated on. Depending on technical peculiarities of the operations performed, all patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 patients (n=212) underwent thermal obliteration of major veins, miniphlebectomy and administration of a sclerosant into varicose veins under the zone of trophic impairments of the crural skin. Group 2 patients (Control group, n=197) underwent only phlebectomy, ligation of perforant veins and miniphlebectomy, with no use of sclerosants.
In order to decrease the traumatic nature of the intervention we devised an original phlebextractor for mobilization of subcutaneous and perforant veins without skin incision. A structural element of the phlebextractor is a hook made in the form of a rod-coaxial tip whose acute angle is within the range of 72-78 degrees, thus ensuring minimally traumatic penetration of the hook through tissues and satisfactory holding of the major vein inside the hook.
The proposed minimally traumatic radical method of surgical treatment for varicose veins makes it possible to improve the aesthetic results of the operation and to eliminate functional manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency.
KEY WORDS: varicose veins, surgical treatment, phlebextractor, chronic venous.
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