Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2018 • VOLUME 24 • №3

Possibilities of local phlebectomy in correction of pelvioperineal venous reflux

Gavrilov S.G.1, Son D.A.1, Lebedev I.S.2, Savinkova K.Yu.1, Temirbolatov M.D.3

1) Chair of Faculty Surgery No1, Therapeutic Department, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov,
2) Municipal Clinical Hospital No1 named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow,
3) Republican Clinical Hospital, Makhachkala, Russia

The work was based on the results of examination and treatment of 43 female patients presenting with varicose transformation of pelvic, perineal, and lower-limb veins. The inclusion criteria were as follows: the presence of visually determined varicose transformation of the veins of the external genital organs, perineum, posterior surface of the thighs, as well as valvular insufficiency of the mentioned veins by the findings of ultrasonographic angioscanning (USAS). The following exclusion criteria were applied: the presence of pregnancy, symptoms of pelvic venous plethora (PVP), and varicothrombophlebitis. In 33 women correction of the pelvioperineal reflux (PPR) was performed with the help of local phlebectomy on the large pudendal lips and perineum, with the maximally possible mobilization of the vessel within the limits of the operative wound. Miniphlebectomy with the use of Varady phleboextractors was performed in 10 women presenting with isolated varicose transformation of the subcutaneous veins of the posterior femoral surface. The duration of follow up of patients amounted to 3 years. The criteria for efficiency of the carried out treatment were as follows: freedom from varicose syndrome both in the perineum and on the lower extremities, as well as no PVP symptoms during the whole term of follow up.

Varicose syndrome of the external genital organs, perineum and posterior surface of the femurs was successfully eliminated in 100% of patients. Meticulous mobilization and removal of the veins of the labia majora, perineum and subcutaneous femoral veins is a reliable method of removing pathological reflux of blood from the intrapelvic to superficial veins of the perineum and lower limbs. 100% of our patients were found to be free from relapses of either vulvar or perineal varicosity, with no evidence of lower limb varicose veins.

Local phlebectomy is an efficient method of elimination of varicose syndrome induced by PVP in patients with dilatation of intrapelvic, vulvar and perineal veins.

KEY WORDS: pelvic varicose veins, vulvar varicosity, perineal varicosity, phlebectomy, pelvioperineal reflux.

P. 90

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