Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2017 • VOLUME 23 • №2

Deliberations on lumbar sympathectomy: years and practice on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of using the method in Russia

Kokhan E.P., Pinchuk O.V.

3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky under the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Krasnogorsk, Russia

The article deals with the literature data on history of and modern attitude to lumbar sympathectomy in treatment for occlusive lesions of lower-limb peripheral arteries. This is followed by analysing the experience of 1,764 operations both independent and those combined with vascular reconstructions over more than a 45-year period. A conclusion is drawn that lumbar sympathectomy remains an operation associated with minimal traumaticity and a low complication rate, thus for long years improving the quality of life and destiny of patients.

KEY WORDS: lumbar sympathectomy, atherosclerosis obliterans, tibial arteries.

P. 190

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