Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2016 • VOLUME 22 • №1
A case of treating a patient with a false aneurysm of the xenoconduit of the ascending aorta and pronounced cardiac insufficiency
Sirota D.A., Alsov S.A., Khvan D.S., Lyashenko M.M., Chernyavsky A.M.
Centre for Surgery of the Aorta, Coronary and Peripheral Arteries, Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute for Circulatory Pathology named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin under the RF Public Health Ministry, Novosibirsk, Russia
Described in the article is a clinical case of treating a previously operated patient presenting with a pseudoaneurysm of the xenoconduit of the ascending aortic portion, functioning Cabrol fistula and pronounced cardiac insufficiency, who was admitted to our institution in the state of decompensation. The obtained outcomes of treating this patient demonstrated a possibility of successfully using vascular grafts for establishing an anastomosis between the left coronary artery and ascending portion of the aorta in complicated conditions of a repeat intervention.
KEY WORDS: aortic aneurysm, Cabrol fistula, cardiac insufficiency.
P. 186
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