Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2014 • VOLUME 20 • №2
15-year experience with PTFE-grafts "Ecoflon" in Leriche’s syndrome
Maksimov A.V.1,2, Plotnikov M.V.1,2, Galiullin O.F.1
1) Republican Clinical Hospital of the Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan,
2) Kazan State Medical Academy of the Public Health Ministry of Russia, Kazan, Russia
Analyzed herein are the outcomes of 1,079 reconstructions of the aortofemoral segment, performed for Leriche’s syndrome using polytetrafluoroethylene grafts “Ecoflon” during the period from 1997 to 2012. Hospital lethality amounted to 3.1%, frequency of thromboses was 0.53% and that of amputations equalled 0.53%. The patients were followed up at terms varying from 6 to 180 months. Cumulative patency of the bypass grafts at 1 year amounted to 99.3±0.2%, at 5 years to 97.3±0.6%, at 10 year to 91.9±1.9%, and to 90.0±2.7% after 15 years. Primary patency amounted to 97.6±0.4%, 90.9±1.1%, 75.9±2.7% and 71.4±4.1%, respectively. Grafts infection occurred in 1.3% of cases (0.2% in the early, and 0.83% in the remote postoperative periods). False aneurysms of distal anastomoses were registered in 0.5% of cases. A total of 137 reoperations were performed (104 for graft thromboses, 9 for pseudoaneurysms of anastomoses, and 7 for graft infection). Seventeen operations were carried out for ischaemia relapse due to progression of the occluding process in patent grafts. The amputation rate amounted to 6.6%. Based on the obtained findings a conclusion is drawn that polytetrafluoroethylene grafts "Ecoflon" comply with the current standards of quality.
KEY WORDS: aortofemoral reconstruction, Leriche’s syndrome, remote results, polytetrafluoroethylene grafts.
P. 173
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