Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2012 • VOLUME 18 • №3

Subclavian-brachial bypass grafting with an autovein in situ in acute ischaemia of the upper limb

Salimov D.R., Ignatiev I.M., Nasunov S.U.

Department of Vascular Surgery Interregional Clinical and Diagnostic Centre Kazan, Russia

Presented herein is a clinical case report concerning surgical treatment of arterial insufficiency of the upper limb having developed on the background of thrombosis in an 85-year-old male patient. The cope of the operation was subclavian-brachial bypass grafting. Cephalic vein (v. cephlalica) was used as a graft in «in situ» position. The patient was examined 11 months after the operation, with the shunt functioning well.

KEY WORDS: acute arterial insufficiency, subclavian bypass grafting, cephalic vein (v. cephalica).

P. 130

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