Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №2
Computed tomography and ct angiography in diagnosis of acute disorders impairment of mesenteric circulation
Khripun A., Shuryguin S.N., Pryamikov A.D., Mironkov A.B., Urvantseva О.M., Savelyeva A.V., Voloshin M., Latonov V.V.
Chair of Surgery and Endoscopy at the Department for Advanced Medical Training of the Russian National Research Medical University name after N.I. Pirogov, City Clinical Hospital 12, Moscow, Russia
Presented herein is the first experience in using two instrumental methods (remote contrast- free computed tomography and CT angiography) in a total of twenty-one patients suspected of having acute mesenteric ischaemia. Contrast-free computed tomography allowed of making a correct diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischaemia in 6 of 7 patients (with sensitivity of 85.7% and specificity amounting to 90%). Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels was revealed in all cases on CT angiography, with both sensitivity and specificity of the method equalling 100%. Also described herein is the incidence rate of various CT signs of intestinal lesions depending on aetiology and the stage of the disease. Minimally invasive nature, high spatial resolution of these two methods, high sensitivity and specificity make it possible to recommend them as the first step for instrumental diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischaemia.
KEY WORDS: computed tomography, CT angiography, acute mesenteric ischaemia.
P. 53-58
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