Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №2
Endovascular balloon angioplasty of a stenotic lesion of autovenous bypass grafts in the infrainguinal position
Zaitsev M.V., Chupin A.V., Malyutina E.D.
Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery Hospital No83 under the Federal Biomedical Agency, Moscow, Russia
Analysed in the article are the results of dynamic follow up of autovenous bypass grafts in the infrainguinal position. About 80% of patients were operated on for lower limb critical ischaemia. Remote patency of the bypass grafts amounted to 68%. Also presented herein are the outcomes of balloon angioplasty of the bypass grafts (30 interventions) in both immediate and remote periods. Primary success was achieved in 94% of cases. The early stage (30 days) was characterized by two thromboses of the bypass graft, and the remote period showed eleven restenoses. Two limb amputations were performed. The role of endovascular correction of bypass graft stenoses in order to save the limb is determined.
KEY WORDS: critical ischaemia, autovenous bypass graft, stenosis, balloon angioplasty.
P. 70-74
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