Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2012 • VOLUME 18 • №1
Substantiation of surgical decision making in congenital lesions involving the inguinal major vessels in injection drug abusers
Gaibov A.D., Sultanov D.D., Kamolov A.N., Kholboev S.A., Kalmykov E.L., Avgonov U.M.
Republican Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Chair of Surgical Diseases №2 of the Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan
The article is dedicated to surgical policy pursued in lesions involving femoral major vessels in the inguinal region, having developed due to long-term abuse of injection narcotic drugs. Analysed herein are the outcomes of surgical management of thirty-one patients presenting with a pulsating haematoma and inguinal pseudoaneurysms of post-injection aetiology. According to the authors’ opinion, choosing the appropriate scope of the would-be operation is too complicated largely due to peculiarities of the pyo-necrotic process in this zone. Revealed and systematized characteristic of this category of risk factors that pose a real threat of severe consequences when any type of surgery. The authors recommend using only 2 categories of operations: ligation of damaged vessels in the groin area as an independent operation and ligation of vessels with the restoration of blood flow through lateral bypass autovein. Indications for their use, particularity of performing the ligated operations in the inguinal region was given.
KEY WORDS: vascular injury, pulsating hematoma, aneurysm, drug addiction, arrosion bleeding.
P. 128
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