Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2010 • VOLUME 16 • №4


Pokrovsky A.V., Kokov L.S., Suntsov D.S.
Department of Vascular Surgery Federal Facility «A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery» under the Russian Federation Ministry of Public Health and Social Development,
Moscow, Russia

The present retrospective study was carried out to analyse clinical outcomes of 56 surgical interventions performed on renal arteries in a total of 48 patients suffering from atherosclerotic- aetiology vasorenal hypertension (VRH). Of these, 14 patients were subjected to stenting of renal vessels, 19 underwent aortorenal prosthetic repair, 11 patients endured transaortic endarterectomy (TEA), and four cases were treated by resection of the renal artery with reimplantation. The immediate postoperative outcomes turned out positive in 81% of the patients, to have remained so within an average follow-up period of up to 5 years in 72% of the patients. Most often good results were observed after renal artery prosthetic repair (in 85% of patients) and stenting (in 78% ofpatients). Good results were observed in 26% of patients iwith a history of VRH over 5 years, with its duration of less than that surgical renal revascularization being accompanied by positive outcomes in 58% of patients.

KEY WORDS: vasorenal hypertension, stenting of renal arteries, CDS of renal arteries, concomitant operations on the abdominal aorta and its branches.

P. 142-153

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