Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2009 • VOLUME 15 • №4
Successful endovascular treatment for a false aneurysm of the hepatic artery using a stent-graft (a remote follow-up case report)
Shakhov B.E., Chebotar E.V., Ivanov L.N.
Chair of Radiodiagnosis of the Centre for Advanced Medical Training and Occupational Retraining of Specialists Specialised Cardiosurgical Clinical Hospital Nizhniy Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
Presented herein is a clinical case report concerning a female patient diagnosed with a pseudoaneurysm of the hepatic artery, chronic panel eatitis, and a pancreatic cyst. The woman was subjected to intravascular treatment consisting in reconstruction of the hepatic artery at the site of the origin of the aneurysmal neck with a stent graft.
KEY WORDS: aneurysm of the hepatic artery, intravascular stent graft.
P. 144
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