Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2009 • VOLUME 15 • №4

XVI World Congress of the UIP (Union Internationale de Phlebologie): a review of the proffered papers

Sapelkin S.V.

Department of Vascular Surgery A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery under the Russian Federal Agency on High-Technology Medical Care, Moscow, Russia

The article reviews the papers presented at the XVI World Congress of the UIP (Union Internationale de Phlebologie) held in August-September 2009. The main trends in the Congress’s work touched upon the problems related to employing the techniques of thermal ablation and scleroobliteration in varicose disease, prevention and management of venous thromboses, novel studies research on compression therapy. The plenary meetings initiated working out evidence"based guidelines on proper management of patients suffering from lymphoedema and venous malformations. Also reviewed herein are some Russian reports presented at the forum.

KEY WORDS: XVI World Congress of the UIP (Union Internationale de Phlebologie), varicose disease, venous thromboses, the techniques of thermal ablation and scleroobliteration, compression therapy.

P. 85

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