Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2008 • VOLUME 14 • №1
Shevchenko Yu.L., Stoiko Yu.M., Zamyatin M.N., Gudymovich V.G.
Federal State Facility "National MedicoSurgical Centre named after N.I.Pirogov under the Russian Ministry of Public Health"
Moscow, Russia
The article deals with the findings obtained by presentday studies in pathophysiology of venous outflow disorders. The authors highlight a considerable role of the endothelium of the vascular wall resulting from its lesion with metabolic products of activated leukocytes in the development of varicose transformation. Also studied was the dynamics of the endothe lial dysfunction marker, i.e., the number of the circulating endothelial cells (CECs). In so doing, amongst the patients presenting with segmental subcutaneous varicosity with reflux along the superficial and perforating veins, endothelial dysfunction was revealed most frequently, i.e., in 91% of the cases. It was proved that the CEC index might be used as a marker of endothelial dysfunction in patients presenting with varicose disease. An increase in this parameter above 6×104 cells per 1 ml of blood should be considered as a reliable manifestation of an endothelial lesion in diseases of the peripheral veins. By the degree of severity of endotheliemia, one may judge of the activity of the process of varicose transformation of veins, which makes it possible to timely take appropriate corrective measures. A priority trend in medical treatment of venous transformation is assigned to diosminebased phlebotonics.
KEY WORDS: chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limbs, endothelial dysfunction, phlebotonics.
P. 19-20
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