Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2006 • VOLUME 12 • №4
A.V. Vardanyan, R.B. Mumladze, D.Yu. Belousov, Ye.V. Roitman
Chair of General Laser and Endoscopic Surgery,
Russian Society of Clinical Investigations,
Russian Scientific Center of Surgery, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
This paper describes the results of a prospective clinicoeconomic "cost – effectiveness" study at prevention of postoperative venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC) in general surgery and gynecolog patients. The patients were distributed into two groups: the basic and control. The basic group were provided pharmacoprophylaxis using fraxiparin. The control group did not receive preventive treatment. The authors examined the effectiveness of VTEC prevention applying duplex scanning of the inferior vena cava and explored the hemostatic system. It has been established that the mean treatment cost accounts for 61186 roubles per patient in terms of the prices recorded in 2005. The main expenses is the cost of the bed day (60% of direct expenses) and of the treatment complications (24%).
The main conclusion of the study is that the early anticoagulant prophylaxis provided to patients at moderate and high risk allows minimization of the incidence of thrombotic complications. Besides, it is economically advisable.
KEY WORDS: pharmacoeconomics, calcium nadroparin, venous thromboembolic complications, "cost – effectiveness" analysis.
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