Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2001 • VOLUME 7 • №3
V.A. Lesko, L.L. Efimovich
Department of Vascular Surgery, Regional Hospital,
Brest, Belarus
One hundred patients with varicose veins (VV) underwent ultrasonic duplex scanning of 135 extremities. The authors present surgical anatomy of varices and segmental disposition of great and small saphenous veins (GSV and SSV). Along with ascending, descending and mixed type of VV a new communicating type is introduced. Valve insufficiency of deep veins is classified as total and partial. Communicating veno-venous discard is divided into low, moderate and high. The authors name ultrasonography of limb veins "panphleboechography" (PPEG), suggest original protocol of examination and indications for its use. Variceal transformation of GSV was revealed in 93.3% of extremities, of SSV – in 19.2%. Descending and mixed type of varices prevailed both in GSV (74.6%) and in SSV (80.7%). Deep vein valve insufficiency was detected in 56.3% of extremities, including total – in 10.4%. Low communicating discard seen in 74.7% of cases was a primary cause of trophic changes in ankle region. Distinct correlation between lesions of deep and superficial veins was absent. Pathogenetic planning of surgical intervention into saphenous and communicating veins was based on PPEG. Imaging data was considered in practical recommendations for ambulatory lower limb elastic compression.
KEY WORDS: panphleboechography, variceal disease, pathogenetic surgical planning.
P. 51-57
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