Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» •
2001 • VOLUME 7 • №3
O.A. Tsarev, N.V. Ostrovsky, D.A. Usanov, An.V. Skripal, Al.V. Skripal, V.V. Skryabin, G.V. Zobnina, V.I. Timashova
Chair of Hospital Surgery, Therapeutic Faculty, Saratov State Medical University;
G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University,
Saratov, Russia
The results of the clinical investigations are presented. A study was made of the relationship between the amplitude and the pulse wave form and parameters which characterize the rheological blood properties. The study was carried out using a specially devised installation. The pulse wave was recorded with the aid of a probe presenting en autodyne high-frequency (HP) instrument for vibration measurements. To analyze the data obtained, use was made of en original program for processing ananalog signal, allowing formation of the data file de picting the oscillatory movement of vessel walls. The studies have demonstrated a possibility of the clinical use of the noninvasive technique for control of the parameters characterizing the rheological blood properties according to the pulse wave. The method holds promise in terms of the design of appliances for the monitoring of the rheological blood properties.
KEY WORDS: viscosity, hematocrit, pulse wave, high-frequency measuring instrument, blood, rheology.
P. 29-32
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