Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2018 • VOLUME 24 • №1

Preoperative and intraoperative assessment of volumetric blood flow velocity through the internal thoracic artery in patients with CAD

Bazylev V.V., Bartosh F.L., Sivushchina S.V., Mikulyak A.I.

Federal Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery under the RF Ministry of Public Health, Penza, Russia

The left internal thoracic artery (ITA) is currently an artery of choice for revascularization of coronary arteries. Ultrasonographic duplex scanning (USDS) and ultrasound Doppler flowmetry (UDF) are sequential techniques to control patency of the ITA at stages of rendering care for patients on restoring coronary blood flow. We compared two methods of measuring the volumetric blood flow velocity: by means of USDS and UDF. The obtained results were statistically processed. It was determined that transthoracic USDS and intraoperative UDF in the assessment of the volumetric blood velocity through the ITA in patients with coronary artery disease are comparable methods, provided the patients have similar parameters of central haemodynamics.

KEY WORDS: internal thoracic artery, duplex scanning, ultrasound Doppler flowmetry, volumetric blood flow velocity.

P. 61-65

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