Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2017 • VOLUME 23 • №3

The use nicergoline in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Popova I.V., Karpenko A.A.

Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Centre named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin, Novosibirsk, Russia

Presented herein is a literature review aimed at investigating the appropriateness and possibility of using nicergoline (sermion) for treatment of patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. The analysis includes the most clinically significant results of scientific studies. The material to be reviewed was retrieved using the following key words: «nicergoline», «sermion», and «diabetes mellitus» (with their respective Russian equivalents) in such databases as Medline, PubMed, ScienceDirect, PMC, Cochrane, as well as archives of both Russian and foreign journals, guidelines (clinical guidelines on rendering medical care for patients with diabetes mellitus, selected lectures on endocrinology).

A broad spectrum of action and no significant side effects have made it possible to use this drug in various pathological conditions. At the same time, because of limited experience of using nicergoline for vascular diseases and an insufficient number of the carried out studies the precise role of this therapeutic agent in clinical practice has not yet been conclusively defined. Special attention is given to the analysis of efficacy of nicergoline in atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

KEY WORDS: nicergoline, sermion, diabetes mellitus.

P. 46

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