Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2015 • VOLUME 21 • №3

Significance of endothelial protection in treatment of patients with class c6 chronic venous disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Katorkin S.E.

Samara State Medical University of the RF Public Health Ministry, Samara, Russia

The authors studied efficacy of using sulodexide (Vessel Due F) in treatment of patients with clinical class C6 chronic venous disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The study included a total of sixty-two 18-to-75-year-old patients of both sexes suffering from class C6 CVD and type 2 DM. The patients were randomly assigned to either the Study Group (Group I) and Control Group (Group II) in the ratio of 1:1. The Study Group patients received treatment with sulodexide according to the standard regimen during 50 days. The study included taking case history, examination by a phlebologist and endocrinologist, measuring the malleolar volume, body weight, ultrasound examination of lower-limb vessels, clinical and biochemical blood analyses, coagulogram, planimetry of trophic ulcers, microbiological and cytological study. The primary end point was epithelialization of trophic ulcers after 1 month. Secondary endpoints were ulcer healing after 2 months and dynamic alterations during epithelialization.

Study Group patients as compared to the Control Group patients were found to have statistically significant improvement of the composite index of clinical assessment of VSCC severity, decrease in the malleolar volume, positive dynamics of speed velocity parameters of venous outflow and improvement of quality of life according to the SF-36 questionnaire. After 30 days, epithelialization was achieved in 11 (33.5%) cases in the Study Group and in 6 (19.4%) cases in the Control Group (p<0.05). After 60 days, epithelialization was achieved in 27 (87.1%) and 15 (48.4%) patients of the Study and Control Groups, respectively. The time to complete epithelialization in Group I and II patients amounted to 49.8±1.4 and 76.6±2.4 days, respectively (p<0.05).

A conclusion was drawn that administration of sulodexide (Vessel Due F) is effective and pathogenetically substantiated in treatment of patients presenting with class C6 CVD and type 2 DM.

KEY WORDS: chronic venous disease, chronic venous insufficiency, type 2 diabetes mellitus, trophic ulcer, sulodexide.

P. 106

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