Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2014 • VOLUME 20 • №1

Endovascular closure of iatrogenic arteriovenous anastomosis of the iliac artery and vein

Sinkov M.A.1, Murashkovsky A.L.2, Pgorelov E.A.1, Golovin A.A.1, Kalinichenko N.A.2, Khaes B.L.1, Kokov A.N.1, Kheraskov V.Yu.2, Evtushenko S.A.1, Popov V.A.1, Barbarash L.S.1

1) Research Institute for Integrated Problems of Cardiovascular Diseases under the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,
2) Kemerovo Cardiological Dispensary, Kemerovo, Russia

The presented herein clinical case report concerns successful endovascular closure of a iatrogenic lesion of the iliac artery and inferior vena cava with formation of a pathological arteriovenous anastomosis manifesting itself by venous thromboembolic syndrome and severe right-ventricular insufficiency.

KEY WORDS: iatrogenic lesions, iliac artery, inferior vena cava, thromboembolic syndrome, endovascular treatment.

P. 84

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