Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2010 • VOLUME 16 • №1


Sultanov D.D., Kurbanov N.R., Abdulloev N.K.
Department of Vascular Surgery of the Republican Scientific Centre for Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery,
Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Analysed herein are the findings of examination and outcomes of surgical management of fifty-eight patients (25 men and 33 women) presenting with Falconer-Weddel’s costoclavicular syndrome in which the subclavian artery and vein and the brachial plexus at the thoracic outlet appear to be compressed. Of the 58 patients, five subjects were found to have a rudimentary cervical rib and three more (5.3%) patients had trophic disorders on their digits fingers: dystrophy of the nail plates, their fragility, periodically opening trophic ulcers at the digital tips and one patient presented with gangrene of the inguinal phalanx of the middle finger. Three patients had hyperemia of the face. A further four patients had roughening, hyperkeratosis of the skin of the hands, cracks. The presence of the supernumerary ribs was determined roentgenologically. Haemodynamics was studied using Doppler ultrasonography making it possible to reveal disordered blood flow in the upper-limb arteries in the physiological position assumed, in the Adson test as well as with Raynaud syndrome, which was observed in 39 patients. The function of the nerves was studied using electroneuromyography (ENMG). All patients were operated on under endotracheal anaesthesia. Decompression-medical operations were carried out performed in all 58 patients, with the following four types of interventions being performed: transaxillary resection of the first rib combined with sympathectomy carried out in 23 patients, resection of the first rib without sympathectomy in eighteen patients, resection of the first rib via a surpraclavicular approach in four patients, scalenotomy and selective cervicothoracic sympathectomy in 13 patients.

KEY WORDS: costoclavicular syndrome, Raynaud syndrome, resection of the 1st rib, cervicothoracic sympathectomy.

P. 124

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