Journal «Angiology and Vascular Surgery» • 

2004 • VOLUME 10 • №4


A.D. Gaibov, D.Z. Zikiryakhodzhaev, D.D. Sultanov, N.R. Karimova
Chair of Surgical Diseases, Chair of Oncology,
Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University,
Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The aim of the present work was to analyze the reported data related to the diagnostic potential of delineating the degree of blood vessel involvement into the tumorous process in patients with cancer diseases of varying sites and to the choice of the method for surgical treatment of this group patients.

Half century ago an idea was advanced of the necessity of performing vascular operations during evacuation of tumors of certain sites. Based on the analysis of numerous publications the authors have established that the lowering of the lethality and improvement of the quality of life in patients with oncopathology are determined in many respects by one-stage operations performed on the great vessels, allowing to broaden the indications for tumor resection.

The review elucidates the current achievements of vascular surgery linked with oncology, mirrors the historical viewpoint of the given problem, describes an experience of different authors gained with the use of the modern noninvasive research modalities in the diagnosis of vascular involvement into tumorous growth. As dependent on the site, tumor morphology and hemodynamic significance of the affected vascular segment, the indications have been worked out for different types of operations on the arteries and veins. The authors emphasize the potential and safety of great vessel ligation after radical resection of tumors of certain sites.

KEY WORDS: vascular surgery in oncology, vessel-invading tumor.

P. 84

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